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Manuals and specifications

  Date Language Size
Owner's Manual
25.05.2009 en 11,1 MB

  Date Language Size
Product information
06.02.2015 en 130 KB
Flyer (Product Information)
18.06.2009 en 579 KB

  Date Language Size
v2.07rc1 for Windows
04.04.2016 en 2,7 MB
v2.02 for Windows 7/Vista/XP (64-bit)
MIDI timing improvement.
12.08.2010 en 1,5 MB
v2.01 for Windows 7/Vista/XP (64-bit)
19.03.2010 en 1,5 MB
v2.00 for Mac OS X up to 10.7
18.12.2009 en 1,1 MB
v2.00 for Windows XP/Vista/7 (32-bit)
18.12.2009 en 1,3 MB